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Monday, 26 March 2012

Barn Dance 23rd March 2012

The Welling School Barn Dance 2021 was a great success. Fun was had by all. There was lots of handholding, hi-fiving and running around underarms (with a cheeky tickle if you were lucky). It got pretty hot.

Thank you to all the staff who supported the Barn Dance in the planning stages and during the actual event. It was a fantastic evening and James Harrington was classed the 'BEST BARN DANCER!' (I beg to differ...) Please congratulate him when you see him!

The band (Paul & Co) were great and managed to get everyone involved. A good time was had by all and they were "certainly impressed by the way everyone joined in, and the general atmosphere – it was a real credit to your school".

Lots of money was made thanks to someone outbiding themselves for a bottle of wine. Some tried to pin (stick) the tail to the donkey with varying levels of success.

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